Deskfun windows
Deskfun windows

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  2. Deskfun windows Pc#
  3. Deskfun windows windows#

Deskfun windows windows#

Win + Home Minimize all except the active desktop window or app (restores all windows on the second stroke). Win + Right arrow Maximize the currently active app or desktop window to the right side of the screen.

deskfun windows

Win + Left arrow Maximize the currently active app or desktop window to the left side of the screen. Win + Alt + Down arrow Snap the currently active window or app to the bottom half of the screen. Win + Down arrow Restores the currently active window or app. Win + Alt + Up arrow Snap the currently active window or app to the top half of the screen. Win + Up arrow Maximize the window or app that is currently active. Win + Ctrl + Shift + number Open a new instance of the app located at the given position on the taskbar as an administrator. Win + Alt + number Open the Jump List for the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. Win + Ctrl + number Switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. Win + Shift + number Start a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, you can use this shortcut to switch to that app. Win + number Open the app pinned on the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. Win + Ctrl + F Search for PCs (if you’re connected to a network). Win + Pause Display the System Properties dialog box. Win + comma (,) Displays the desktop temporarily until you release the Windows logo key. Win + period (.) or Win + semicolon ( ) Open Windows 11 Emoji Panel. Win + Y Switch input between your desktop and Windows Mixed Reality. Win + Shift + V Set focus to a notification. After that, the Win + V shortcut keys will launch the Clipboard but not display the Clipboard history. Simply launch the Settings app and go to System > Clipboard, and turn off the Clipboard history button. Note: You can turn off Clipboard history in Settings. Win + T Cycle through apps on the Taskbar. Win + Shift + S Used to take a screenshot of the entire screen or a part of it. Win + Alt + R Used to record the video of the game that you are playing (using the Xbox Game bar). Win + P Used to select a presentation display mode. Win + N Open the Notification Center and Calendar. Win + Shift + M Restore all the minimized windows on the desktop.

Deskfun windows Pc#

Win + L Lock your PC or switch accounts (if you have created more than one account on your PC). You can use this shortcut to share your device screen on your computer. Win + I Open the Windows 11 Settings app. Win + G Open Xbox Game Bar when a game is open. Win + F Open Feedback Hub and takes a screenshot.

deskfun windows

Win + Ctrl + C Toggle the Color Filters (you have to enable this shortcut first in Color Filter settings). Win + B Set focus for the Show hidden icons dropdown menu. Keyboard Shortcut Action Win key Toggle the Start Menu. The following table lists the tasks performed by Windows logo keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11. 1] Keyboard shortcuts with Windows logo key

  • Keyboard shortcuts for Virtual Desktops.
  • deskfun windows

    Windows 11 Settings app keyboard shortcuts.Keyboard shortcuts with Windows logo key.We will list here the following keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11: Microsoft has introduced some new keyboard shortcuts in Windows 11.Ĭomplete list of Windows 11 Keyboard shortcuts

    Deskfun windows windows 10#

    Though both Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems have plenty of keyboard shortcuts that users can use to do tasks quickly, there is something new in Windows 11. In this article, we will talk about the Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts you should know. The purpose of keyboard shortcuts is to increase productivity by performing quick operations. Keyboard shortcuts are used to perform various tasks in a Windows operating system.

    Deskfun windows